11 Step Program For Self-Healing Candida

Sick and tired of dealing with nagging Candida symptoms...

"How Would You Like To Be Completely Free From Candida
And Still Eat All Of The Fruit You've Ever Craved?"

Discover in this page how to heal yourself without any special products or toxic therapies... and enjoy all of the luscious sweets you've been craving!"

By Johanna Zee, RN,Ph.D.

Johanna ZeeAre you ready to end the confusion? You too can flush out Candida naturally with NO products and feel great! Candida albicans overgrowth is becoming more prevalent, creating an internal imbalance with symptoms ranging from annoying digestive ailments to chronic fatigue to debilitating diseases. It is even linked to life-threatening illnesses. 

My symptoms started several years ago:  the unpleasant digestive issues, moodiness, fatigue, cravings, and general multi-system degeneration. I was falling apart at the seams!! Lots of tests (and money!) later, the answers were still not clear.  The MD wanted to put me on medication to “rule out” IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  No thank you.

Alternative medicine helped point me in the right direction, but focusing only on symptoms, they were limited in finding the true cause.  Numerous food intolerances were diagnosed, but although eliminating them alleviated some issues, it was clear I was dealing with a Candida albicans overgrowth. I was a classic case.  My score with the self-test was off the charts. 

As a registered nurse, with extensive experience in various modalities, I had a good understanding of what was going on with my body.  I was put on herbs, pills, creams, teas, and powders. I went back every couple of weeks to check my progress which was non-existent and put on more supplements and therapies.  My stomach and intestines cramped so bad, and my nausea was overwhelming.  The signals from my body were clear: this is not working! After months of going that route, I finally listened to those signals and stopped the alternative treatments.

Could My Body Heal Itself?

All this time though, my inner guide was telling me my body can heal itself.  But how??  I felt that alternative medicine was based on the same model as conventional medicine, and with it came limitations. It was just a different arsenal.

I’ve spoken to many people who have also tried numerous supplements, therapies, cleanses, and “the no-fruit diet.”  They too had spent more money than they want to admit to, only to be told there is a better product they should try.  Everyone has advice but no one had seemed to self-heal naturally and for good.

Your body screams for a piece of fruit and you’ve been convinced that fruit is your number one enemy. Does this sound familiar? And now, your adrenals are shot and your energy is beyond low at times. I was right there with you.  In desperation, I searched endlessly for a “cure.”

However, deep within, I still knew my body could heal itself and I persevered.  After trials and tribulations, and EXTENSIVE RESEARCH I have developed and refined a system that works. I hold a doctorate in Nutritional Health and Healing and my extensive education has given me the tools I needed to bring this information to you. 

After learning specifically what foods and lifestyle habits were keeping my body in a weakened state, I was able to implement changes immediately.  Wow, was I surprised when the abdominal pain went away, my BM’s were normal, the cravings were dissipating, and I had more energy! My moods not only leveled out, but melancholy, which I thought was normal, lifted and I felt inspired, motivated, and more alive than ever before. 

Every Body System Improved

Throughout this time, every system in my body improved. All because of making changes in my life and NOT taking any drugs, therapies or supplements, which I learned were keeping my body from healing itself naturally!  I had finally understood that I needed to get the heck out of the way and give my body what it wanted!

It’s years later, and I still feel super!  This program, with 11 steps, that when followed, will bring you to an optimal state of health, free of Candida and all its challenging symptoms. 

This new program I am excited to now release is called:

11 Step Program For
Self-Healing Candida

11 Step Program For Self-Healing Candida

In this program, you will learn:

Why conventional and alternative therapies do not work long-term
checkmark How to naturally flush out a Candida albicans excess
checkmark How to safely bring your body back into balance 
checkmark The FASTEST way to rid yourself of a Candida overgrowth
checkmark Why its not fruit, but fatty-foods, which caused this problem in the first place
checkmark Why Candida is actually a protective mechanism
checkmark Why products not only slow the healing process but are HARMFUL to your body in the long-run
checkmark How to self-heal any damage done to bring you health and vitality
checkmark That self-healing from Candida will have profound effects on other hormone related issues, including chronic fatigue, depression and hypo-thyroidism
checkmark You can do all of this with NO products whatsoever; no pills, no powders, no needles, no kidding

5 Reasons Why This Program is Unlike Anything You’ve Seen Before

If you’re wondering what makes this program on self-healing Candida overgrowth different than other programs you’ve seen on the subject, consider this:

checkmark Difference #1: I have NO products to sell you, only information that will empower you to be free from Candida overgrowth.
checkmark Difference #2: You can eat your natural diet and enjoy the luscious fruit you have been craving.
checkmark Difference #3: The results LAST. Once you’ve made the decision to self-heal, and follow the guidelines, your vibrant health will endure.
checkmark Difference #4: Using this system, your body will let go of other symptoms, and feel lighter; you will have fewer colds, and other hormonally related issues, including improved mental clarity and a more balanced emotional state.
checkmark Difference #5: You can heal very quickly (in 1 to 4 weeks!) or take the slower path- it’s your choice- I will clearly explain both ways. 

I've just updated the eBook to include a special bonus, "Easy 7 Day Candida Detox Plan" It'll jumpstart your healing program! Quick tips, shopping lists and professional advice will help keep you focused.

This 2nd edition also has an added "Maintenance Diet Plan." Follow the plan's guidelines to optimal health!

“…empowering and most embraceable plan for ridding everyone of this miserable affliction…”

"In Dr. Zee’s new booklet we finally have the clear, concise road map for overcoming Candida and establishing a truly healthy body the all-natural way. While this natural approach has been known by a few for a while, it has been kept in the dark for too long and too many have suffered needlessly, until now. Bravo to Dr. Zee for formulating a compassionately empowering and most embraceable plan for ridding everyone of this miserable affliction using proven methods backed by accurate health science. Thanks to Dr. Zee, no one ever needs to be suppressed by the common myths about Candida causation, harmful therapies and the avoidance of our most healthful food: fruit. I have seen superior results with this same approach with dozens of my clients and urge one and all to take it to heart and dedicate a few weeks to it. The happy results will speak for themselves. The path to liberation and joyful living is in your hands."

David Klein, Ph.D., Hygienic Doctor
Director, Colitis & Crohn's Health Recovery Center
Author of Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's and The Art of Rejuvenation, and co-author of Your Natural Diet: Alive Raw Foods
Executive Editor of Vibrance Magazine


“…knowledge of diet and lifestyle matters is invaluable”

"I have benefited greatly from Johanna’s support and guidance. Her patient, caring and insightful approach are wonderful to experience. Her knowledge of diet and lifestyle matters is invaluable. I highly recommend her program and services."

Janet C., Sebastopol, CA


significant difference in my mental clarity, energy and stamina… performance in my workouts and running have improved… ability to focus…increased

"Johanna's plan for candida elimination is the first one ever that I could really follow. Trying to eliminate all sugars (including fruit) was impossible for me as I spent most of my day craving sweets. Having fruit as part of the plan makes the entire process much easier… I notice a significant difference in my mental clarity, energy and stamina. My performance in my workouts and running have improved and my ability to focus for many hours on tasks at work has also increased. I look forward to a lifetime of health and well being thanks to Johanna."

PG (Client)

How Much Is This Worth to YOU?

As mentioned earlier, it can be embarrassing to admit how much you have already spent on medical bills, pills, creams, supplements, herbs, and books searching for answers. Add in your time spent researching, only to end up more confused with still no results.  The confusion stops here; search no more. With this information, you will never look back. You will feel empowered with this program, because it works.  And the price is just $29.95, a mere fraction of the cost of supplements and alternative therapies. I am so confident that this program will bring you amazing results, I guarantee it.


You Risk Absolutely Nothing!

Order “11 Step Program for Self-Healing Candida” and take as long as 60 days to try out my program. You have to be fully satisfied with the value you get! 

If you don’t think this is the very best program you’ve ever seen about Candida, and do not feel it is worth at least 10 times its purchase, simply contact me and I’d be more than happy to refund you 100% of what you’ve paid.

No questions are needed or asked.

So give it a fair try! You risk nothing by getting started now.



Why Wait to Get Started?

If you’re ready to heal yourself from Candida WITHOUT products, then order now. Now is always the best time to feel great.

You don’t have to wait to read this book, because it is available to you as an instantly downloadable eBook, in a UNIVERSAL, PDF format. You can get it now, even if it’s 3 a.m.!

Vibrant health awaits you; allow your true nature to shine!


Johanna Zee, RN, Ph.D.

Order Now!
"11 Step Program for Self-Healing Candida"

A Brand New eBook - $29.95



P.S. This program shows you how to heal yourself from a Candida albicans overgrowth in as little as 1 to 4 weeks if you follow the techniques outlined in this book.  No products, just real practical information, based on science and experience.

P.P.S. This process works for those committed to their healing, guaranteed, or your money back.  Try it for 60 days.  If you don’t feel better, we will refund your money.

P.P.P.S. You will not find another offer like this anywhere. Get lasting results with amazing benefits: more energy, improved mental clarity, and a sense of balance and peace in your life.  Order now and get the “11 Step Program for Self-Healing Candida” at the low price of $29.95!


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